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MatterHackers Pulse

3D Printing Manufacturing MatterHackers
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An open source 3D printer manufactured in the US. The Pulse is customizable and built to order. Customers can order any of 1,984 possible combinations. It also specializes in printing advanced materials, like carbon fiber infused Nylon. The Pulse was featured on the cover of Make: Magazine in December 2019 for their annual 3D printer shootout.

Production Lead

  • Involved in project since inception in 2016.
  • Became production lead in March 2020.
  • Maintained uninterrupted production through global pandemic despite challenges such as a complete supply chain breakdown, and 5x increase in sales due to demand for printing PPE. Ensured health and safety of team during this time.

Pulse E-Series

  • Project lead for the Pulse E-Series, the 5th major iteration of the product line. Succesfully launched in September 2020. Scheduled tasks and planned milestones. Coordinated research & development effort, testing, and training production staff.
  • Developed ERP-like system in Google Sheets / Javascript for inventory tracking of components. Automatic forecasting of supply needs.
  • Automated workflows for planning production and tracking status of the assembly line.
  • Performed statistical analysis using Python/Pandas to predict orders and maximize output of print farm.
  • Managed team of 7 on a day to day basis.
  • Ramped up production from 1.5 units/day to 7 units/day.
  • Handled recruiting, hiring, and training on new employees.